For motor carriers looking to use the DCCP Chassis Pool:
The Denver Consolidated Chassis Pool consists of contributed chassis provided by the leasing companies and you need to have an agreement with at least one of them to utilize pool chassis.
In order use the pool, you will first need to get in touch with one of the leasing companies listed below. Obtain a valid interchange agreement with one of the leasing companies and let them know you will be using CCM Pools
Chassis leasing company contacts:
If you have not done so yet, register on using your SCAC code for the Shipment management and Booking Modules.
Once you obtain a valid interchange agreement it will populate into your profile under the “Agreements” menu. You will login to your account and confirm this agreement.
Once you have done the steps above, please email to let them know and we can activate your booking account.
Click here for further instructions on how to register, confirm agreements, and use the system.
For Shippers/BCO’s looking to use the Denver Consolidated Chassis Pool:
Shippers will need to obtain a valid interchange agreement with one of the leasing companies and let them know you will be using CCM Pools.
Chassis leasing company contacts:
The provider you obtain an agreement with will contact CCM and continue the setup with an effective agreed upon date. At the same time, you will also need to register on so you can manage your reporting of shipments.
For more information on the Shipper/BCO Account Setup Guide click here.
Call us today at 973-298-8900 or email us at and learn how you can setup to take advantage of using CCM Pools.
For motor carriers and BCO’s looking to use the South Atlantic Chassis Pool (SACP 3.0):
Motor carriers are required to be registered with the UIIA and to sign CCM’s (contract, addendum or other) in order to use the pool and failure to do so will result in service disruption and chassis penalty use charges.
Beneficial cargo owners and other such entities may register for a direct billing arrangement. BCO’s that have a SCAC may register at the link below. If not, please contact
If you have not done so yet, register at
Visit for more information.
SACP 3.0 contacts:
6001 Chatham Center Drive, Suite 190
Savannah, GA 31405
Phone: 912.963.1176
SACP Customer Support: